When we announced our partnership with Immerso, an Eros Innovation Technologies company and global leader in AI innovation and intellectual property (IP) - we stated that our overarching goal was to revolutionize digital entertainment. But what does this mean?
In our previous article we spoke about the scale of Immerso and Eros Innovation, highlighting their vast reach across an audience of billions, as well as an exceptional IP portfolio encompassing tens of thousands of films, music, series and more.
The partnership combines Immerso’s exceptional IP portfolio, featuring an extensive library of over 12,000 film titles, with Everdome’s immersive technology. Everdome will help Immerso leverage this IP, collaborating with them as they develop powerful AI toolkits and models to merge them inside our interactive metaverse destinations.
Immerso and Everdome share a firm belief in the transformative potential of virtual experiences and web3 in reshaping the way users connect. By combining immersive experiences with AI-powered hybrid content and user-generated creation, near endless new possibilities open up.
Imagine interactive areas where film fans can interact directly with avatar likenesses of their favourite stars. Imagine interactive worlds where users can rewrite classic stories - getting inside the legend like never before. Imagine places where you can meet your heroes, play, learn or travel alongside them.
These are just some of the possibilities that this new collaboration promises. Everdome is already working on beta versions of new areas where our community get front row seats - to witness this revolution first hand.
Make sure you join our CEO, Jeremy Lopez for an exclusive AMA inside our metaverse headquarters - where more information on this truly exciting partnership will be dropped.
We believe Immerso is the perfect partner as we pioneer a more exciting, inclusive and creative digital future together. Join us for the ride.